The Leninist Lemon

A book review blog focusing on young adult fiction.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Will this work?

Yay, I have just figured out how to do the blogger equivalent of an lj-cut. Except, since Blogger is super lame, not only can I not specify what text the lj-cut should be called, I can't even put the cut only on the post I'm actually cutting, without dumping my head in a giant CSS book (or so I assume.) Click the link for more vitriol because I can. Blogger suuuuuucks. Yeah blogger sucks. The only thing good about blogger is the look and the layout, otherwise it is the most confusing, non-user-oriented site like ever. Did you know an lj-cut is an "expandable post summary"? What the hell, I never would have come up with that myself in a million years. Thanks, blogger, for being so cryptic. If I could come up with anything, I would insult blogger's mother right now. Unfortunately, I can't.

So, point is, expect spoiler cuts from now on. Amazing, I know! But I was feeling so bad for all the people that don't read my blog. So now we have spoiler cut tags. Because I don't want to be responsible for ruining A Series of Unfortunate Events for someone. That would just be a little unfortunate.


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